How to Prevent Teeth Grinding (Bruxism)

August 15, 2024

Is it true that you are grinding your teeth around evening or night time? The condition, called bruxism, can be a painful issue if it goes untreated.

Is it true that you are grinding your teeth around evening or night time? The condition, called bruxism, can be a painful issue if it goes untreated.

You may not know you're doing it. But, if you wake in the morning with jaw pain, cerebral pains, or chipped enamel on your teeth, you may be grinding your teeth in your rest, a condition called bruxism.

Understanding Bruxism

In many examples, teeth grinding is a night-time issue – if you have bruxism, you're likely doing it while you're sleeping and won't not understand it. "Ordinarily, somebody's spouse or partner is the first to see the bruxism because of the terrible grinding sounds it makes when the individual is sleeping.

Specialists still aren't exactly sure why bruxism happens in a few people, yet there are numerous hypotheses. "Studies have recommended that night-time bruxism is mediated by the central nervous system and is connected to sleep arousal patterns, brain chemistry, certain medications, liquor, smoking, and genetic factors. "Medications, for example, SSRIs that influence dopaminergic systems, have been related with bruxism. Personality and psychological factors, stress, and anxiety have been appeared in a few investigations to influence bruxism in a few people."

Bruxism appears to be an equivalent opportunity nuisance. People are influenced similarly, however bruxism is more typical in children and less common as you age. Around 8 percent of the adult populace is influenced by sleep bruxism. It can likewise influence 40 percent of children under 11 years of age.

Know the Signs of Teeth Grinding

The most well-known symptom, obviously, is simply the grinding, yet this leads to numerous secondary concerns. The signs and symptoms of bruxism are teeth wearing, jaw muscle tenderness, head muscle tenderness around the temple area, jaw muscle swelling, morning cerebral pains, tongue indentation, and pain or tenderness during muscle development.

After some time, the fleeting impacts of grinding your teeth can lead more complications if the bruxism isn't addressed. If left untreated, it will lead side effects, for example, headaches, both tension and migraine, ear infections, ear blockage, buzzing or hissing in the ear, ringing in the ear, tinnitus, hot-and cool sensitive teeth, split or broken teeth, free/loose teeth or crowns, sore and painful jaw muscles, and worn-down teeth. In some instances, the harm to teeth is permanent and may lead to broad extensive restorations of teeth or tooth loss. It might likewise prompt chronic muscle and jaw joint pain, which can prompt depression and get worse with stress.

Treating Bruxism

Communicate with your dentist about night-time teeth grinding to restrict complications. Though bruxism can't be cured, it can be dealt with to limit the effect on your teeth, jaw, and surrounding muscles.

The essential treatment is to get fitted by your dental specialist for night-time mouth guard. In some instances, medicines are utilized to help treat night-time teeth grinding, yet we suggest that these must be viewed as secondary to the mouth guard and just used temporarily. Most likely the mouth guard is the best alternative because of its safety and it will shield your teeth from more wearing.


Kensington Dental & Implant Centre

Address: 9-A, Street 16, F-7/2, Islamabad.
Phone:  051-8733051
Email Address: khurrambabar.kdic[at]

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